Sunday, October 18, 2009

No Spending Challenge: Days 12-18

Sorry for not posting last week, it was a busy home and work week and time got away from me. We are still moving along with our challenge, in fact I moved $1400 into my not so secret savings stash yesterday which was an accumulation of the money we HAVE NOT SPENT this month - yea! Check out our Month Tally in the middle column.

My end goal for this month is to pay off my credit card bill and then focusing on pushing as much cash as I can back into savings. Boy this frugality and saving stuff is not easy for us. I wish I could say it is, I really do but being frugal is not inherent to my nature. We also want to finish the master bathroom project but have committed to saving up for what we want first, so some savings will apply to that (because I do need a toilet back some day!).

Tally for Days 12-18:
Baseline Avg Spending Combined: $1,073.04
Actual Spending Combined: $217.30
Savings: $855.74

So what was that $217 spent on and why did we spend over $1k on average before that?

The baseline was driven by 2 vacations and a wedding which all had at least some or all of the expenses occur during this time in the month - yikes!

Our expenses in the last week:
My Hungry Man ate 2 lunches out while working in DC (he was great about taking his lunch most days but missed a couple). Regular groceries which were less than $80 this week for a family of 4, that is of course subsidized by my Polyface Farm meat order and the pantry. The most expensive were some car parts due to a dead headlight and worn brake pads. The in-house auto mechanic will do the work and we figured it was probably cheaper than a ticket.

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